Vakuumpump Bromsar V70, S60, S80
995 Kr
D5, D5252T, D5244T
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Vauccumpump för bromsar
S/V70 D5252T Eng 201001-
V70 01- D5252T MSA15.8
S60 07.01 D5244T
S80 -06 D5252T MSA15.8, Ch 116811-
Oe: 9471916, 21431916
(Bent, mechanical with seal)
S/V70 D5252T Eng 201001-
V70 01- D5252T MSA15.8
S60 07.01 D5244T
S80 -06 D5252T MSA15.8, Ch 116811-
Oe: 9471916, 21431916
(Bent, mechanical with seal)